The theme of Amelia's nursery, which is yet to be completed, is vintage carnival/circus (minus the sideshow and the bearded lady. Might include the wolf brothers though. just kidding).
I love this mobile that I found on etsy by jacksbeanstalk. If I was a baby I know I would dig this eye candy. Alas, the shop owner is about to have a wee one herself so it's unavailable to order.
So I'm going to attempt to make it myself! I went to the wool shop yesterday for some wool and a felting needle. Because, you know, I don't already have enough projects on the go. I'm pretty sure that filling my plate with too many to-dos is a life sentence! At least I'm never bored.
As for the needle felting, I'm relying on the internet to teach me how to do it, although I don't think it can be that hard. Any experts out there? If anyone has any tips for me, please share!
p.s. what's that you ask? 2 blog posts in 2 days?? I KNOW. this shizzle is off the chain! My keyboard is hot to the touch....
It's good to have you back here! I can only imagine how busy it must be with two kids to look after now. But I'm sure you can cram in some diy projects like this one during their nap time. It's a great mobile and seeing how good you are at making little bunnies and bears, this will be a piece of cake for a talented lady like you!
Bises from a summery Paris!
you are awesome!
can we have a craft day? i am sick of the daily grind and desperate for crafting. maybe we could wear halloween or christmas themed sweaters? Also... Are my comments still being classified as classified? haha.
Hi there!
Needle felting is wonderful! Congrats on getting started!
I have a little online shop of my handmade needle felted items, etc. so I hope I can offer you a little advice about needle felting balls...
Oftentimes the best way to do them is to use your needle and to shape them first (roughly) and then to wet felt them after...if you try to needle felt the ball entirely it often takes too long and you might end up with lots of stabbed fingertips :/
Did you buy corriedale roving or merino?
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