The theme of Amelia's nursery, which is yet to be completed, is vintage carnival/circus (minus the sideshow and the bearded lady. Might include the wolf brothers though. just kidding).
I love this mobile that I found on etsy by jacksbeanstalk. If I was a baby I know I would dig this eye candy. Alas, the shop owner is about to have a wee one herself so it's unavailable to order.
So I'm going to attempt to make it myself! I went to the wool shop yesterday for some wool and a felting needle. Because, you know, I don't already have enough projects on the go. I'm pretty sure that filling my plate with too many to-dos is a life sentence! At least I'm never bored.
As for the needle felting, I'm relying on the internet to teach me how to do it, although I don't think it can be that hard. Any experts out there? If anyone has any tips for me, please share!
p.s. what's that you ask? 2 blog posts in 2 days?? I KNOW. this shizzle is off the chain! My keyboard is hot to the touch....