Thank you so much to Jenn of the Blush and Bees Vancouver Island gardening blog for honouring me! I have known Jenn since we were seven years old. Many Easters were spent decorating eggs while listening to Paula Abdul, and during the summers we could be found in our Bocas and Vuarnets on the corner by the nearby beach selling fruit from the trees in our backyards. Ahhhh, early 90s....I will always remember you with fondness ;)
Acceptance of the Stylish Blogger Award requires me to list seven things about myself that most people don't know. Here goes:
1. I am a germaphobe. No part of my body ever comes into direct contact with any part of a public washroom. I can hardly handle it if my husband wipes any hard surface with anything other than a paper towel/clean dish cloth and disenfectant. I do not like sharing drinks.

2. My closest friends are my oldest friends. They are the girls I grew up with all throughout high school and, in some cases, even elementary school. As an only child myself, they are as close to being my family as friends can get. I'm referring to about a dozen people. At one point in our lives, we all wanted to be the same person. Same hair, same clothes, same taste in music, same everything. I love to look at everyone now and realize how different we've all become....and yet how close we still remain.

3. I love eavesdropping on lunch-hour business meetings at restaurants or coffee shops. I try to discern what profession or industry is the basis of the discussion. Who is the client, what is the product, how much money is involved, what kind of software is needed. Weird, I know.
4. In another life, one in which I was born with any kind of culinary skill, I might have been a pastry chef in New York City. Or maybe Paris.

5. I used to dream about having a pet pig. I must admit I'm very glad it never came true.
They are cute though.
6. If we're going to play a boardgame, you really want me on your team. We'll win.
7. I HATE listening to or reading instructions. I don't think I've ever read a manual in my life - especially one without pictures. I simply glaze over and become semi-catatonic. I will do it my way, thank you, and learn by trial and error.
And that is that!
So now I will pass this award on to 13 worthy recipients. I'd like to give mention to these people who are not only stylish, but also wonderful writers, artists, parents or friends.
In no order whatsoever...
1. To Beatriz of Lucky14Handmade - Knitter extraordinaire! No shortage of style here.
2. To Carine of Smallest Things - A stylish life in Paris with her wee bubs.
3. To Deborah of The Simonster - Not only a great friend and fellow mom, but Sadie's "second mommy" too! aka "Debwaa".
4. To Beth of Beth Campbell Creative - Beth is a multi-talented local designer with a blog that features the best in architecture, art and cuisine.
5. To Danielle of Momsicle Vibe - My Rocaine dealer and good friend, this girl will have you in stitches. Her writing is nothing short of AMAZING.
6. To Sarah of Sparked Philosophy - Mom to sweet Ember, Sarah is a fantastic writer and friend of Koo & Poppet.
7. To Andrea of Mama in the City - my bloggy friend across the strait, Andrea writes with a voice that is honest and captivating.
8. To Jennifer of A Merry Mishap - a mom with impeccable taste in fashion and interiors.
9. To Dionne of City of Dionne - her blog is a visual feast. Her illustrations are exquisite.
10. To Ivan of Meade Design Group - a great friend and colleague with an un-rivaled eye for the best in design.
11. To Margot of Margot Austin Blog - Senior Design Editor at Style at Home Magazine.
12. Nadine of Walter Helena Photography - a beautiful person inside and out, her writing and photography will leave you entirely inspired.
13. Michelle of Michelle Loewen Photography - I don't know what I'm more envious of - her photographic skills or her culinary skills :)
In other news, you may be seeing a lot more of me here in the months ahead. I've been put off work and on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy (I'm only 20 weeks as it is!!) More on that one to come....