Monday, May 31, 2010
A squirrel for Sullivan: the making of a Koo & Poppet pillow
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Baby Season (and beautiful Jess)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Defeated in the kitchen, and a plea
This post is so somber it doesn't even have an accompanying image. Rest in peace, fusili.
For my entire life up until this point I have had little interest in the preparation of food. I like to dine, but I do not like to cook. I like to bake a little (around the holidays) but I do not like to plan meals. Now and then I'll get in the spirit and cook something for supper. Afterwards I might as well call the HAZMAT team to come in and clean up the mess. I'm the type that clutters a cutting board with so much stuff that I only have 3 square inches on the bottom right corner for chopping. When I was in university I ate cereal for dinner. When I was feeling wild and crazy, I made rice!
And then three things happened that have begun to change my thoughts on my non-existant cooking abilities:
1) I now have Sadie, who needs to eat healthy balanced meals everyday;
2) Husband who I used to rely on for sustenance because he used to love cooking and used to read cookbooks and watch the Food Network obsessively, is losing his zest for the culinary arts. Read: too many frozen pizzas lately.
3) I have been admiring all the beautiful foodie blogs around the web. Good food photography seduces me and makes me want to learn the ways of the likes of Orangette and others.
About a month ago I had dinner with friends at a great Italian restaurant. I ordered a delicious pasta - fusili with butternut squash, granny smith apples, toasted pecans, arugula and a gorgonzola cream sauce. It was so good that I vowed to try it at home. How hard could it be?
I tried last night. Failed miserably. It tasted like feet.
Then I got grumpy and pouted, which always happens when things go wrong in the kitchen. Once I was attempting shortbread and couldn't get the dough to bind and ended up in tears!
So I'm asking you for help. Anyone out there have a great recipe that looks and tastes impressive but is easy peasy for a rookie? Pray tell, where should I start???? I need something that is nearly impossible to screw up......
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Then and Now
Left to right: Haley, Nicole, Sarah, Whitney, me, Andrea, Roxanne

At least one of us is in heels!
(And note that wine is a fixture, past and present). Ironically, I think the phrase "Put on your dancing shoes" is more applicable to Friday nights with Sadie.
Have a great long weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
One Year of Koopoppeting!
Big news, big news! Koo & Poppet turns 1 this month.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Summery Sadie
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Koo & Poppet at Onlyhuman, Victoria BC
Well hello there, Gary. Stop your sleuthing around.
I am so pleased to tell you that Koo & Poppet is now available at Onlyhuman in downtown Victoria. Located at 616 Yates Street (the former Design House location) the showroom is a bull's eye for unique design and exquisitely crafted contemporary furniture.
The Koos are so very honoured to be included in the studio's eclectic mix of novelty designer items.
If you're in Victoria, definitely put Onlyhuman on your list of spots to visit this spring.
To read more about the store's philosophy, check out Meade Design Group's interview with owners Chris and Christina here.
Clockwise from top left: Summer, Gary and Christopher (a seafaring bunny)
Esmerelda prefers to keep to herself. Perhaps you can help socialize her?
Christopher and the piggy are fast friends. Good luck separating them. They're like dogs at the SPCA (except much more chic) who form a bond and have to be adopted into a new home together.
All of the new Koo & Poppet designs shown here are also available in the online shop.
My thanks to Chris and Christina at Onlyhuman!
Tastebuds: an ordinary miracle
Warning: Sadie love-fest to follow
When Sadie was born, I remember being astonished by the fact that she had a nose. In fact, I was totally blown away that she posessed all of the physical features of a human being. This might sound ridiculous I know, and it's not like I was expecting to give birth to a kangaroo, but in my post-partum state I was utterly amazed that my body had grown this little being - and correctly at that! A nose! A perfect nose! How???? (Okay, okay, meiosis, blah blah blah).
But to all the parents out there, you know what I'm talking about, right?
I've had a year and a half to get used to all the little miracles that make up her physical form. As she gets older, it's her language development and comprehension that amaze me on a daily basis. Her new favourite game is "Shhh! Hide!" which she initiates independently and spontaneously, and she has somehow acquired a distinct recognition of the game of hockey, even though Scott and I are far from devoted fans.
She nods when appropriate, responds to suggestions, and pats her thigh to summon the dog. She laughs when things are funny.
One day we picked up Scott from the sea plane terminal and now everytime she hears or sees a float plane she says: "Daddy?" I am facinated by her little brain and the associations it is capable of making.
We have a 45 minute drive home everyday and for the most part, Sadie sits silently in the backseat, gazing out the window at the mountains and the trees. We wonder what she could possibly be thinking about. Milk? Coco? Toys? Mommydadda? The theory of relativity?
I find it hard to believe I've only known her for a year and a half. Where has she been all this time?
I believe that at least some small part of her has been with me all along - in the melodies I've heard, in the sunshine I've felt, in the love that I have found.
Photo: Michelle Loewen