an early 90s version of Oregon Trail. Who remembers?!I do.
I was in elementary school. I talked to my friends on phones with long spirally plastic cords. I played "Oregon Trail" on floppy disc (dot matrix display, yeah baby!) and practiced cursive writing in preparation for all those correspondence letters I'd send as an adult. Hey, wait a second....

And get this: my husband grew up in a community so rural that when he was young his family had a "party line", which is a telephone line that is shared by many households, but everyone has a different ring. So the phone would ring in his house, but it might go "bring-br-bring-bring" and be a call for June and Herb down the road, in which case you wouldn't answer. But if it rang "bring-bring-bring....bring-bring-bring" then GADZOOKS, PICK UP.
I can only imagine the excitement.
But that is neither here nor there (actually it's there). I was talking about the internet. Which I now carry in the palm of my hand. Everywhere. I. Go.
Except today. Today I forgot my precious iphone at home. I just heard your collective gasp. Compose yourself people! My global connection has been temporarily severed and I have been suffering from phantom limb syndrome all day. My colleague at work jokingly allowed me to hold his for a spell, and another person posed the question: "What would happen if the internet just one day.....disappeared?"

Talk about pandemonium. Talk about Y2K/2012 times a Gigabyte!
And then......

No, but seriously, what
would happen? Economically, culturally, socially, educationally?
An ancient building form constructed for the storage of "books". Historians refer to it as a "Library."(Actually this is Louis Kahn's Exeter Library in New Hampshire)I invite you to paint me some post-web era apocalyptic scenarios my bloggy friends. Or, if you wish, participate in the poll at the top-right hand side of this page!