Ingrid, Pilar, Sienna and Finnley are the new year's first additions to Klub Koo!
Some are more excited about it than others :-)
So I guess this will be my Ringing In The New Year post, or at least, as close as I will come to one. Let's see.....I don't think I'll re-hash all the happenings of 2009, nor will I set unattainable goals for 2010 (let's face it - I might just have to learn to live with my "kangaroo pouch"). Rather, I will say this:
In 2010,
I hope to be more:
patient with all people and things; my family, my dog, my computer, bad drivers.
organized. My new home office will include the following designated spaces: CUTTING, SEWING, SHIPPING, ADMINISTRATION, STORAGE. Let it be known that I WILL NOT AGAIN LOOSE TRACK OF EVEN ONE SEWING NEEDLE
handy around the house. I usually leave all the manual labour to my husband, but there is no reason why I can't do some jobs myself. Yesterday I removed some old metal brackets from the wall with a screwdriver and changed a lightbulb. Don't laugh - I know there are others out there like me.
I hope to be less:
wasteful. I'm pretty good as it is, but there is always a way to use less.
tardy. I have had problems with punctuality since grade two, and it's something I really wish to change. Also, I always have too many bags with me. You'd think I could put everything I need in one big bag, but instead I wind up walking from the car to the house with a purse, a diaper bag, a shopping bag, and a bag filled with miscellany. Inevitably, at least one pinky finger has nearly been amputated by the time I reach the front door.
of a consumer. Of this, I am truly guilty. I love to shop, and sometimes I shop impulsively. This year, I will only buy what I need (which rules out a lot of the things I love, like shoes).
I hope to do more:
writing. I used to write a lot. Since Sadie was born I've kept a journal of letters to her, but my entries are infrequent. So are the occasions when I actually sit down at my computer and really write something here on this blog.
painting. I used to paint a lot. I used to become frustrated when I was painting if something wasn't working out the way I wanted it to. try a little of that patience.
running. I have a love-hate relationship with running. I dread it like the plague, but I feel so good afterwards. And a little more time to myself might be kind of nice.
I hope to do less:
worrying, especially about things that are out of my control.
procrastinating. Seriously, a girl can only organize her closet so many times.
snoozing, as in snooze button. I want to train myself to become a morning person, FINALLY. I love mornings! I would love to wake up early, go for a run without procrastinating, resist the urge to consume a latte from the coffee shop (but if I did I would be sure to use my own mug and not a paper one), arrive home at the time I said I would be home, fix a leaky tap before sitting down to paint something that goes terribly wrong but I wouldn't get mad about it. And then I would write about it all on this blog without worrying about my grammar.
Oh, and there are lots of other things I hope to be and do in 2010. For updates on the progress, you know where to find me ;)
What do you hope to do more or less of this year? What will you be? What won't you be?